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About CBD

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About CBD – Everything You Want To Know

There is no doubt that CBD is the wellness creation of the moment. Just look around and you will find it everywhere.  Its availability is astonishing. All of a sudden, your local market is selling drinks with CBD, the cafe shop is offering CBD lattes, salons are selling beauty products with CBD or Hemp, the list is endless. Even people with health issues like anxiety and arthritis want a piece of CBD. Cannabidiol, or CBD, has recently been gaining more media attention.  It seems that there are numerous benefits using CBD and there are more being discovered every week. 

There are thousands of articles in the The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), over 4,000 articles on WebMD and over a thousand article on . It almost seems endless regarding the articles that have been written about CBD. 

What is CBD?  

CBD is commonly utilized for anxiety, pain, epilepsy, Crohn’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, a muscle order refered to as dystonia, and other conditions. 

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical compound from the Cannabis Sativa plant and it has become a huge buzzword. Unlike it’s (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) THC sister, CBD doesn’t provide the same effects; it does not provide psychoactive abilities and instead helps kindle a feeling of calmness and relaxation. Basically, CBD does NOT get you “high” but helps with a whole host of other health related issues or ailements. This substance occurs naturally from cannabis plants. There are currently more than 108 different types of cannabinoids. 

To sum up that part, THC is the cannabinoid accountable for the cannabis “high” and CBD is the part responsible for calmness and pain relief.

CBD is most popular in oil, edible, and microcapsule forms. Manufacturers have created an array of CBD-infused products such as CBD gummies, CBD capsules, CBD under-the-tongue sprays and CBD oil; each providing varying intensity and speed of effects. 

CBD oil manufacturers dilute the CBD extract with another oil, such as hemp seed oil or coconut oil. Manufacturers, to offer different concentration levels, will dilute the extract in varying degrees. This gives users the choice of which concentration level is right for them. It’s important to understand that some brands have a minute amount of THC in their products (no more than 0.3%) but never enough get you high.

The first thing to understand is that CBD (or cannabidiol) is the second most active ingredient in marijuana. It’s extracted from the hemp plant’s flowers and buds and is the non-intoxicating extract of the cannabis. This means it doesn’t contain any of the psychoactive properties, as seen with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). This is one of the biggest reasons it has become so popular! It allegedly gives you all the benefits of cannabis without the “getting high” feeling. 

CBD oil is made of a high CBD and a very low THC hemp mixture and still holds a little controversy due to its connection to the legality issues surrounding the cannabis plant. Hemp is classified as any cannabis product/strain that contains less than 0.3% THC content – it is legally considered non-intoxicating and useful for its many derived properties such as clothing, food, and of course CBD oil. 

So let’s repeat that concept once more for those who want to or need to know; CBD does not get you high. And the purpose for using it is to help with health related issues from anxiety to pain and many things in between. But once again, it is NOT even remotely close to smoking weed, pot or marijuana. People don’t take CBD to get high. People take CBD to calm down, ease their pain or arthritis and a whole host of other ailments. See the benefits below for a larger list of reasons why a person would take CBD

CBD as a supplement to smoking marijuana or taking edibles:

As marijuana becomes legal in more and more states, the THC level is getting higher and higher. Why is this? It’s a new product for the states to regulate, tax and allow for sale and due to this new phenomenon, the companies that are creating and selling pot, weed, or marijuana (whatever you want to call it) are making the THC levels higher and higher to attract more customers and create a new buzz (pun intended). The problem here is that to get a higher and   higher level of THC, you have to minimize and sometimes completely get rid of CBD. This is because CBD constrains the THC level. So for growers and sellers of marijuana (pot, weed, smoke) to get you a strong high, they have to get rid of CBD. This is a problem. This is a very big problem (worth repeating). There have been studies that show smoking marijuana with high levels of THC over time can increase the risk of paranoia, psychosis, anxiety, multiple personality disorder, schizophrenia and other disorders. So one might think, “How do I counter all that if I still want to smoke and get high?” The answer is simple; take CBD supplements. CBD is the element that is missing in high level THC marijuana so you can balance all that by taking a CBD supplement. Take it daily and even take it when you smoke. It should help.

Are you saying CBD does not give you a “high?”

Yes. CBD does not provide any psychoactive or “high” but rather it is supposed to help a person feel calmer when they have anxiety or relieve pain. It’s very important to note that taking CBD once will not make a large difference and very much like melatonin, it’s best when taken every day continued to see the positive results for weeks or at least a few months. Some people will take it for years (never ending) like a vitamin supplement. It’s also worth mentioning that different people react differently to CBD. A small percentage feel altered after consuming CBD. That’s why, for a first-time consumer, it’s good to take it safely and under supervision. The leading players in cannabis plants are THC and CBD. CBD is the non-psychoactive of the two compounds. This fact means its consumption does not bring the sedation or euphoria feeling of smoking marijuana. 

Where is Hemp coming from in relation to CBD? Most people have heard the terms Marijuana, Hemp, and cannabis being used when talking about CBD. So what is the difference? Hemp is one of the plant species of the Cannabis Sativa plant. 

Although both Marijuana and Hemp contain CBD, it occurs at a much higher percentage in Hemp. The plant also contains much lower percentages of THC as compared to Marijuana.

Is there TCH in CBD? 

This is a question often asked by many. The second most popular cannabinoid of the cannabis plant, CBD, has become respected in the past for being non-intoxicating, as opposed to THC. So, is there THC in CBD? 

The answer to this is yes. It is likely to take CBD oil, which has trace quantities of THC (0.3% or less). Are you fascinated in trying cannabis products, which are low in THC and high in CBD? Then you might be concerned to know that CBD can lessen the mind-altering and negative properties of THC. 

THC might also add to or improve the therapeutic impacts of CBD. Remember that CBD and THC produce responses from the human body by attaching to cannabinoid receptors. 

Both cannabinoids connect to the CB1 receptor of the body. THC stimulates the CB1 receptor, while CBD restrains it. Trace quantities of THC in CBD oil are not likely to show any of its impacts in relation to CBD. 

How Does CBD Work?

CBD oil has become increasingly popular for its many health benefits. CBD and THC affect different receptors in the brain, which means that while THC can give the user a euphoric and psychoactive “high”, CBD has its own effects. When you take CBD oil, it depends on whether you ingest or apply it topically on how it will work. If you suffer from arthritis or other muscle pain, CBD can be directly absorbed through the skin to treat inflammation. 

CBD stimulates the endocannabinoid system to generate its cannabinoids. It slows their breakdown by inhibiting the FAAH enzyme. Thus the endocannabinoids could stay in the body for a longer period. People can take it by using tinctures, creams, drinking it or eating it. 

When it’s digested, it’s absorbed by the digestive system. From the stomach, the compounds enter the hepatic portal system, where they’re carried through the portal vein into the liver.

Cannabinoids are capable of interacting with the brain and the body through the Endocannabinoid System, popularly referred to as ECS. The ECS (Endocannabinoid System) is a complex network of neurotransmitters and cell receptors responsible for ensuring that the body’s homeostasis is maintained. This is a system that helps maintain balance in our bodies and while preserving good health. CBD, together with other Cabannoids, helps the body to maintain health by fitting its receptor in the Endocannabinoid system. 

The receptors that CBD interacts with are CBD1 and CBD2. CBD1 receptors occur in the brain and are responsible for memory, motor skills, cognition, and pain. The receptor is also present in the liver, uterus, thyroid, and even the peripheral nervous system, among others. 

Generally, receptors are spread throughout the body with the largest concentrations present in the immune system and in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. The ECS serves to improve the communication between the various systems.

While CBD might not necessarily interact directly with cannabinoid receptors, it does provide the endocannabinoid system with the stimulation that it needs to produce its cannabinoids. Additionally, it slows the breakdown of the cannabinoids by inhibiting the FAAH enzyme, therefore, allowing the endocannabinoids to stay in your body for longer.

Moreover, CBD is known for its operation on 60 different molecular pathways, affecting the immune system, serotonin receptors, vanilloid receptors, and more. The number of health-conscious consumers using it regularly is proof of its versatile compound.

CBD’s Medical Benefits 

CBD (cannabidiol) has been used successfully as an epilepsy treatment. Today, CBD oil (and other forms of CBD) are used in treating various health conditions from heart disease and high blood pressure to anxiety to nerve pain and so much more. Some scientists believe that it helps create its own Endocannabinoids. With more of these compounds comes relief from anxiety, inflammation, and pain.

According to Medical News Today (and other medical journals) the benefits of CBD consist of relieving:

  • Smoking cessation and drug withdrawal
  • Treating seizures and epilepsy
  • Anxiety treatment
  • Reducing some of the effects of Alzheimer’s, as shown by initial research
  • Antipsychotic effects on people with schizophrenia
  • Future applications in combating acne, type 1 diabetes, and cancer
  • Arthritis pain
  • Acne
  • Depression
  • Nerve related pain
  • Vomiting and nausea caused by cancer
  • Muscle spasticity as a result of multiple sclerosis
  • Sleep disorder
  • and many more.

How Do I Take It?

Just as there are several uses of CBD oil, so there are several ways to take it. How you take it would primarily depend on your goal and certain lifestyle factors. 

For example, if your goal is to cure anxiety, then you’ll probably need a fast-acting product that can handle the job quickly. You might also consider your level of pickiness on things like taste and culture. Overall, it’s important to know that there is no one best way-fits all method of ingesting CBD. Instead, it’s important to find out which product suits you best as an individual, and for most people, a little trial and error might surface. 

Some of the most popular methods of taking CBD oil include:

  • • Holding CBD oil under the tongue from a tincture
  • • Swallow and ingest in a capsule
  • • Chewing and swallowing of CBD edibles 
  • • Mixing with favorite food and drinks
  • • Using a cream. Rubbing directly on the skin

Are there side effects of CBD?

CBD is known to cause very few side effects, if any. Even when taken in big doses, the side effects are rarely seen. Some of the rare effects of CBD are drowsiness or changes in appetite. The effects are mostly mild and only last between 4-6 hours. 

Reports from The WHO indicate till date, that there is no known evidence of any abusive effects exhibited by CBD in humans. 

As stated earlier, CBD oil is a product that’s derived from cannabis, which are chemicals that are naturally found in marijuana plants. Therefore, there’s bound to be controversies about it, but it generally does not create any high effect; neither does it cause any form of intoxication.

CBD’s Rich History

The general consensus among people is that CBD is a new kind of supplement, but whether you believe it or not, its history dates back to the 1940s. 

Roger Adams, a Harvard University chemist graduates, was able to extract CBD out of the Cannabis sativa plant. At the time, he had no idea that his attempt was successful. Upon the realization of what really transpired, he and other researchers delved into the benefits CBD could produce. 

In 1946, Dr. Walter S. Loewe used lab animals to carry out the first CBD tests, which offered further evidence that CBD will not lead to an altered mental state. Dr. Raphael Mecholam, later that year, found CBD had a three-dimensional structure. This discovery led to additional research, which led to the first therapeutic CDB oil. 

More CBD research was done that eventually lead to the discovery that cannabidiol was useful as an epilepsy treatment. Today, CBD oil (and other forms of CBD) are used in treating various health conditions from heart disease (high blood pressure) to anxiety to nerve pain and so much more.

Is It Legal To Use CBD Products?

The short answer to this is yes.

The Farm Act of 2018 (also called the Hemp Farming Act)  made CBD legal in all 50 states. The only sticking point is that the CBD products must  contain less than the 0.3% of THC. If you look at any and all CBD products, you will see this. All products have less than 0.3% of THC. In conclusion, there is nothing to worry about, CBD and hemp oil are legal in all 50 states. This is why you can now see CBD in products ranging from drinks in your local shopping market or in pet products. It’s everywhere.

Bottom line and things to keep i mind:

Taking CBD oil is a highly personalized experience. You may want to experiment with which product works best for you (tincture, capsules, creams, etc…). We personally feel that the tinctures work the best. A squeeze of the dropper under the tongue and keep it there for 60 seconds before swallowing and you’re good to go. We do recommend that you discuss it with your doctor, at least to make sure it wouldn’t affect other medications you may be taking.

CBD oil fans will purchase “full-spectrum oils” that have an array of naturally-occurring compounds of the cannabis plant such as flavonoids, terpenes, proteins, etc.  If you want to buy CBD oil, read product labels, stick with organic and, when possible, purchase domestically-produced products. Made in the U.S.A is not just a patriotic thing to do but a much safer thing to do.

Remember another important point, very genuine and responsible companies will list their documentation next to the products so you can see when it was tested and it will include a seal and a date. Look to see that ANYTHING you buy has this documentation. This way you know which farm it came from, when it was tested, and how clean it is. Do not buy any product from any company that will not list their documentation. Let me put it this way, do you want to buy something that could be made from chemicals in a lab in China? I didn’t think so. Support American farmers and buy American made CBD oil. It’s worth repeating, it’s not just patriotic, it’s safer.

Thank you for taking the time to read about CBD oil. For a list of products we review and use, click here.

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