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About is an information portal for people looking for a natural path in life and a more holistic and healthy approach to life and the issues that may arise in one’s life. This site is an informative and entertaining look at healthy and alternative paths to life using the mind, the body and natural foods and supplements to help us in our everyday. You should confer with your doctor before you do anything as we are not responsible for any ailment or problem you have before or after reading this site even if you decide to use anything discussed here. The people who contribute to this site are not doctors but people who are well read and well versed in exorcise, health, diet, and nutrition. Please, always take caution and refer to your doctor before doing anything regarding your health, your body and your life. was the idea of Tom Foley, founder of 543 Interactive, Inc. This idea (Mind Body Nature) was established on the Internet in 2004. Tom wanted a place to share ideas on natural solutions to health problems and a place to collectively say “enough of the food dyes, chemicals and additives in foods.”

We are surrounded every day with chemicals, dyes, and plastics. Companies consistently promote new cures that include pharmaceutical drugs, “quick-fix diets,” chemicals, foods and drinks with additives, chemicals and dyes, and pills, more pills, and more pills. Is it any wonder that the human race has begun to lose it’s way and obesity and illness among younger and younger people has become an epidemic.

There comes a time in a person’s life when they must re-evaluate their life including their environment, the food they eat, and the remedies they choose for their ailments. Our goal is simply to tell the story of how people (including the writers of this site) are using natural remedies to help themselves and how people are choosing to stay away from drugs, foods and other in-natural store items that include chemicals and dyes.

Through a combination of exercise (whether it is yoga, playing sports, swimming or other), good mental health (meditation, chanting, praying, and learning), and fulfilling our needs through natural products, we can achieve a well balanced, healthy, and happy life.

Thank you for coming,

Mind Body Nature